AQF 08CRICOS N/AGraduate Certificate in Education and Theology Duration6 months full-time,Up to 2 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 1 College/SchoolThe Graduate Certificate in Education and Theology supports participants to develop a critical appreciation of the Christian faith and its implications for their work in a faith-based education context. It aims to enhance the theological and spiritual awareness of those whose vocation is education, facilitating use of reflective practices to apply foundational knowledge and engage in the conversation between education and theology.Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS N/AGraduate Certificate in Leadership Duration6 months full-time,Up to 2 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 9 Colleges and SchoolsThe Graduate Certificate in Leadership is designed for both new and experienced leaders wishing to consolidate their learning, challenge their assumptions and underpinning knowledge and skills, and explore ways to develop their leadership influence skills in their teams and workplaces.Students undertake a series of coursework units which may include a project unit, integrating critical thinking and engagement with theoretical, religious, and spiritual beliefs with a body of knowledge and lived experience. This is done through enquiry-based studies, case studies from leading professionals to address workplace problems and issues, that may lead to practical applications for change in their professional context.Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS N/AGraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision DurationFull-time not available,Up to 2 years part-time ModesMixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 1 College/SchoolThe Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision equips its graduates to practice as professional supervisors. It offers the knowledge and skills for the provision of structured, theologically reflective professional supervision of individuals and groups who work in caring professions such as ministry, health, education and leadership. Through experiential learning students develop their skills in professional supervision to create a relationship of trust and transparency in which those being supervised can review their work practices. Using a range of knowledge and techniques, professional supervision can enable the supervisee to develop self-awareness, resilience, ethical understanding, accountability, and effectiveness.Students may choose from streams in Professional Supervision or Professional Supervision for Spiritual Directors (Emmaus Stream).Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS N/AGraduate Certificate in Research Methodology DurationFull-time not available,Up to 2 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 10 Colleges and SchoolsThe Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology equips students to apply sophisticated research skills to complex issues such as the development of a research proposal, gathering of and conceptual processing of research material, and the presentation of a research artefact, such as a dissertation.Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS N/AGraduate Certificate in Spirituality Duration6 months full-time,Up to 2 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 4 Colleges and SchoolsThe Graduate Certificate in Spirituality allows students to understand personal spiritual experience through introductory study of themes and approaches in Christian spirituality. It serves as a foundation for further study in spirituality or spiritual direction. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian practice and identity.Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS N/AGraduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation Duration6 months full-time,Up to 2 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 1 College/SchoolThe Graduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation is designed for those seeking to learn the methods and skills of teaching meditation and meditative prayer in a variety of situations including primary and secondary schools, parishes, hospitals and other settings. The course includes the history and practice of meditation and lectio divina and provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their own spiritual gifts.Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS N/AGraduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education Duration6 months full-time,Up to 2 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 3 Colleges and SchoolsThe Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education prepares graduates to teach religious education. It provides graduates with knowledge of the disciplines, principles, practices and traditions that form the basis for religious education.At Catholic Theological College and Yarra Theological Union the award fulfils the requirements of the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Policy 1.7 Accreditation to Teach Religious Education in a Catholic School.Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS 053016JGraduate Certificate in Theology Duration6 months full-time,Up to 2 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 11 Colleges and SchoolsThe Graduate Certificate in Theology qualifies students in theological study by developing or deepening their knowledge and skills in theological disciplines. It serves as a foundation for further study and a means of critically engaging Christian thought and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian life and social engagement.Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS 110822BGraduate Diploma in Divinity Duration1 year full-time,Up to 3 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 12 Colleges and SchoolsThe Graduate Diploma in Divinity allows students to explore multiple areas of interest in divinity and its associated disciplines or to engage with one or two areas in depth. It serves as a foundation for study of theology or philosophy and disciplines which are associated with them.Note: This award may be used as an exit point from eligible students enrolled in a Masters degree who meet the admission requirements.Course profile
AQF 08CRICOS N/AGraduate Diploma in Pastoral and Spiritual Care Duration1 year full-time,Up to 3 years part-time ModesClassroom, Mixed, Online Colleges & SchoolsAvailable at 5 Colleges and SchoolsThe Graduate Diploma in Pastoral and Spiritual Care provides students with the opportunity and skills for reflective and critical engagement in the conversation between the texts of human experience, contemporary culture, ministry or service or wider societal context, and Christian scriptures and tradition. The purpose of this engagement is to encourage the development of relevant, flexible strategies for effective pastoral mission and practice in partnership with all those who seek to serve the world through individual or systemic practice.Course profile