The Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies network aims to consolidate and energise the University’s commitment to the participation of women and feminist scholars in the academy and the wider church. By fostering and forwarding feminist voice and vision we aim to promote Gospel justice by addressing issues relating to gender equality, class, race, sexuality, and ability.
The network is supported by the University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia, under its Strategic Goal 3: Feminist Theologies:
To be a centre of excellence in feminist theological scholarship and in mentoring academics so as to challenge and transform patriarchal structures and assumptions in the academy, church, and wider world.
Explore and Engage
Past speakers
We have been privileged to host some truly inspiring speakers at our events.
Rev Dr Sally Douglas, Uniting Church Minister, biblical scholar and theologian (‘Power, Authority, Love’, 11-12 October 2019) | |
Dr Janice McRandal, Director, The Cooperative and feminist theologian (‘Power, Authority, Love’, 11-12 October 2019) | |
Prof. Nicola Slee, Director of Research, Queen’s and Professor of Feminist Practical Theology at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam https://www.queens.ac.uk/people/academic/nicola-slee (‘Feminist Ethos in the workplace: “Presiding in the Classroom” essay, reflections 10 years on’, 7 October 2019; ‘Witnessing to What Remains, or, The Power of Persisting: Power, Authority, and Love in the Interim Spaces’ Jan Gray Memorial Lecture, 11 October 2019; ‘Practical Theology for Fractured Times’, 21 October 2019) | |
Dr Paula Gooder, Author and Lecturer https://www.gooder.me.uk/ (‘Phoebe: A Story with Paula Gooder’, 2 August 2019) | |
Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality, Ro Allen (‘Sex & Politics’, 22 May 2019) | |
Dr Alana Harris, Director of Liberal Arts and Senior Lecturer in Modern British History at King’s College London https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/alana-harris (‘Sex & Politics’, 22 May 2019; ‘Gender Equality in Academia’, 24 May 2019) | |
Prof. Joy Damousi, University of Melbourne, President Australian Academy of the Humanities, Australian Historical Association https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/school-of-historical-and-philosophical-studies/our-research/arc-kathleen-fitzpatrick-laureate-fellowship/researchers/professor-joy-damousi (‘Testament of Mentors: Feminist Engagement in Academia’, 31 August 2018) | |
Rev Dr Jione Havea, author and academic, Methodist pastor from Tonga and research fellow with Trinity Methodist Theological College (Aotearoa / New Zealand) https://www.linkedin.com/in/jione-havea-4892b87b/?originalSubdomain=nz (‘The State of Feminist Biblical Scholarship’, 11 May 2018) | |
Prof. Gerald West, University of KwaZulu, Natal https://srpc.ukzn.ac.za/staff-profile/theology/gerald-west/ (‘The State of Feminist Biblical Scholarship’, 11 May 2018) | |
Prof. Linn Tonstad, Yale Divinity School https://divinity.yale.edu/faculty-and-research/yds-faculty/linn-tonstad (‘Gender, Personhood, and Difference in Recent Trinitarian Theology’ 8 December 2017) | |
Rev. Dr Cynthia Wilson, Executive Director, Worship Resources for Discipleship Ministries at United Methodist Church https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/about/press-center/cynthia-wilson-named-associate-general-secretary-at-discipleship-ministries (“With all due respect…”: theology, feminism and conflict, 2-3 August 2017) | |
Dr Ruth C. Duck, Professor of Worship at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois; and Fellow of the Hymn Society https://www.garrett.edu/news/ruth-c-duck-honored-fellow-hymn-society (“With all due respect…”: theology, feminism and conflict, 2-3 August 2017) | |
Dr Elaine Wainwright RSM Executive Leader Mission and Ministry for the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea (ISMAPNG) https://www.mercyworld.org/library/elaine-wainwright-rsm428/ (Feminists Navigating Theological Disagreement,15 October 2016; Inaugural Janette Gray Lecture “A tapestry of woven threads”, 31 August 2018) | |
Rev. Dr Seforosa Carroll, Theologian and academic Programme Executive for Mission and Mission from the Margins, World Council of Churches. https://www.oikoumene.org/news/wcc-welcomes-new-staff-0 (‘Bodies of Difference: Gender, Race and Ministry’ , 1 August 2017; “With all due respect…”: theology, feminism and conflict, 2-3 August 2017) | |
Prof. Adela Yarbro Collins American author and academic, Yale Divinity School divinity.yale.edu (‘The State of Feminist Biblical Scholarship’, 11 May 2018) | |
Prof. M. Shawn Copeland Professor Emerita of Systematic Theology at Boston College ncroline.org (‘With All Due Respect’ Feminist Theologies Symposium, 23 May 2017) | |
Rev Dr Serene Jones President of Union Theological Seminar utsnyc.edu (Australian Collaborator in Feminist Theologies: Inaugural Gathering, 8 July 2016) |
This list will be added to regularly as further publications become available.
- An edited volume of 12 essays in Fortress Academic’s Decolonizing Theology.
- An edited volume of the 9-10 papers on feminist (and related) biblical criticisms from the May 2018 conference with a foreward by Phyllis Trible. Editors are Reverend Associate Professor Monica Melanchthon and Reverend Dr Robyn Whitaker. Publisher to be determined, but will be international and academic in focus.
- Contemporary Feminist Theologies: Power, Authority, Love eds. Kerrie Handasyde, Cathryn McKinney and Rebekah Pryor (Routledge)
In preparation:
- Terror in the Bible: Gender, Rhetoric & Violence , ed. Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon and Robyn Whitaker (International Society of Biblical Literature, in press)
- Feminist Theology: Interstices & Fractures eds. Stephen Burns and Rebekah Pryor (Fortress/Lexington, contracted)
- The SCM Companion to Feminist Theologies eds. Stephen Burns and Katharine Massam. This collection gathers twenty international scholars, including Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Lisa Isherwood, Hye-Ran Kim-Cragg, Ann Loades, Gail Ramshaw and three UD contributors. (contracted)
- Together in One Place: Conversations Across Feminist Concerns (eds Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon & Stephen Burns)
- Birthing and Sharing Empowering Breath In God’s Image (ed. Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon & Talitha Fraser) A specialist feminist journal issue.
Watch past events
Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill: A Community Briefing
18 January 2021
The Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies and University of Divinity partnered with Brave Network and SOGICE Survivors to present a community briefing on what conversion practices are, an overview of this legislation, a theological response, and how to be an effective advocate from theologians, academics, policy experts and survivors. The event was hosted by Chris Csabs and Katecia Taylor.
Speakers included: Cath McKinney, Robyn Whitaker, Beth Barnett, Abanob Saad, Nicole Mugford, Patrick McIvor, Nathan Despott and Alix Butler.
More information about the legislation (powerpoint)
FAQs and guide for writing letters
HORIZONS: Eggshells, Landmines, Faultlines: Dangerous conversations about gender and violence
16 September 2020
Simply existing as a transgender person is to share a dangerous vocation. For humanity constructs its worlds with a multiplicity of constricted shapes and identity lines. Some give life but at the cost of violence. Altering forms thus inevitably involves conflict, even lateral violence between different identities struggling for liberation. In this HORIZONS conversation, the Revd Dr Josephine Inkpin and Dr Cathryn McKinney discuss the violence and danger faced by trans people and the significant gift of wisdom and liberation that trans people and theological perspectives offer for us all.
HORIZONS: Churches, Women, Families, Pandemics
19 August 2020
The many lives of women have been profoundly affected by life in a pandemic. In this HORIZONS conversation with Dr Janice McRandal and The Revd Sharon Hollis, we discuss just a few of the worrying dynamics unfolding around us, within our churches, at our universities, and from our government.
HORIZONS: Theological Animation in the Watershed
15 July 2020
From the catchment areas of the drinking water our lives depend on, to the globally wide-reaching impacts of climate change and COVID pandemic, how can our discipleship and practice in feminist theologies be informed and inspired by leading voices at the front lines of church, academia, activism and economics?
In this ‘climate of change’, how can we work and advocate for environmental justice in the months ahead, committing our hope to a better future than is offered by a ‘return to normal’. How do we invest our resources: money, time, bodies, voices in a horizon more hopeful and what might that look like?
Women are more adversely impacted during disasters – first bushfires and now COVID – they are more likely to be unemployed, more likely to be doing unpaid work as carers, more likely to be working in essential worker frontline roles such as in health care, the aged & disability care sector, in early childhood education, teaching, cleaning and retail and instances of domestic violence can increase. If the impacts of disasters are gendered, how can our response be gendered as individuals, churches and organisations? There is an opportunity presented by this global disruption to transform Australia into a more resilient, inclusive and equitable society.
For this inaugural HORIZONS event, Talitha Fraser (Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies) is in conversation with Maria Tiimon Chi-Fang (Pacific Outreach Officer, Edmund Rice Centre, Pacific Calling Partnership), Thea Ormond (President, Australian Religious Response on Climate Change), Dr Di Rayson (Academic, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Newcastle) and Jon Cornford (Director, Manna Gum).
Sex and Politics
22 May 2019
On 22nd May 2019, the Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies were pleased to present Alana Harris, visiting scholar from Kings College, UK, who delivered a lecture in relation to her own work: The history of the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Britain (1967). Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality, Ro Allen, responded from the context of local issues around the status of conversion therapy and the political interventions that are presently underway here in Australia.
Study feminist theology units
Unit code | Unit title | Level | Discipline | Points | Proposing college |
CT3001P | Queer Theology | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Systematic Theology | 18.0 | |
CT9001P | Queer Theology | Postgraduate Elective |
Systematic Theology | 24.0 |
Unit code | Unit title | Level | Discipline | Points | Proposing college |
CH2215Y | From Perpetua to Dorothy Day: Women's Spiritual Experience from the Early Church to today | Undergraduate Level 2 |
Church History | 18.0 | |
CH3215Y | From Perpetua to Dorothy Day: Women's Spiritual Experience from the Early Church to today | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Church History | 18.0 | |
CH9215Y | From Perpetua to Dorothy Day: Women's Spiritual Experience from the Early Church to today | Postgraduate Elective |
Church History | 24.0 | |
DS2215Y | From Perpetua to Dorothy Day: Women's Spiritual Experience from the Early Church to today | Undergraduate Level 2 |
Spirituality | 18.0 | |
DS3215Y | From Perpetua to Dorothy Day: Women's Spiritual Experience from the Early Church to today | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Spirituality | 18.0 | |
DS9215Y | From Perpetua to Dorothy Day: Women's Spiritual Experience from the Early Church to today | Postgraduate Elective |
Spirituality | 24.0 |
Unit code | Unit title | Level | Discipline | Points | Proposing college |
BA2040P | Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT | Undergraduate Level 2 |
Old Testament | 18.0 | |
BA2049P | Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT | Undergraduate Level 2 |
Old Testament | 18.0 | |
BA3040P | Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Old Testament | 18.0 | |
BA3049P | Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Old Testament | 18.0 | |
BA9040P | Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT | Postgraduate Elective |
Old Testament | 24.0 | |
BA9049P | Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT | Postgraduate Elective |
Old Testament | 24.0 |
Unit code | Unit title | Level | Discipline | Points | Proposing college |
BA3070P | Ruth, Esther, Song of Songs, Judith, Susannah: Allusive, Unconventional, Subversive, Resistant | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Old Testament | 18.0 | |
BA9070P | Ruth, Esther, Song of Songs, Judith, Susannah: Allusive, Unconventional, Subversive, Resistant | Postgraduate Elective |
Old Testament | 24.0 |
Unit code | Unit title | Level | Discipline | Points | Proposing college |
CH3101P | Mary: Feminist Theological Revisions | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Church History | 18.0 | |
CH9101P | Mary: Feminist Theological Revisions | Postgraduate Elective |
Church History | 24.0 | |
DL3101P | Mary: Feminist Theological Revisions | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Liturgy | 18.0 | |
DL9101P | Mary: Feminist Theological Revisions | Postgraduate Elective |
Liturgy | 24.0 |
Unit code | Unit title | Level | Discipline | Points | Proposing college |
CT3400P | Shoulder to Shoulder: Readings in Feminist Theology | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Systematic Theology | 18.0 | |
CT9400P | Shoulder to Shoulder: Readings in Feminist Theology | Postgraduate Elective |
Systematic Theology | 24.0 |
Unit code | Unit title | Level | Discipline | Points | Proposing college |
AH9100P | Thinking Otherwise: Feminist Theologies | Postgraduate Elective |
History | 24.0 | |
BS9100P | What are Biblical Values? | Postgraduate Elective |
Biblical Studies | 24.0 |
Unit code | Unit title | Level | Discipline | Points | Proposing college |
CH3217Y | Women Doctors of the Church | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Church History | 18.0 | |
CH9217Y | Women Doctors of the Church | Postgraduate Elective |
Church History | 24.0 | |
DS3217Y | Women Doctors of the Church | Undergraduate Level 3 |
Spirituality | 18.0 | |
DS9217Y | Women Doctors of the Church | Postgraduate Elective |
Spirituality | 24.0 |
Latest News
All articlesDr Rebekah Pryor on God Forbid podcast | The lifespan in modern Australia — Births and birthing
Earlier this month, Dr Rebekah Pryor, member of the Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies, joined other experts on the ABC podcast God Forbid. The episode was the first in a series on the lifespan of modern Australia, and focused on birth and birthing.
Contemporary Feminist Theologies: Book Launch
The editors and contributors of “Contemporary Feminist Theologies: Power, Authority, Love” join the Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies to share thoughts on the challenges of comprehending the relations between power, authority and love, and the ways this informs the past and future work of feminist scholarship.
Together in One Place
Together in One Place “We talk about privilege, but not justice or power… Feminist theologies are not exclusively Christian. Theology as a discipline doesn’t see itself and its’ whiteness” – […]
Speaking of Christ/Christa/Christx: a feminist Christologies seminar
Call for papers: Post-Christian perspectives are warmly welcome alongside others that may be confessional, First Peoples, queer, native, intersectional and otherwise diverse—the crucial criteria for inclusion being that contributions must be intentionally feminist-informed.
In 2014, there was an initial meeting with representation from University’s colleges (Whitley College, Trinity College Theological School, Jesuit Theological College, Pilgrim Theological College, Stirling College, and Catholic Theological College) to assess the interest in formal, feminist, theological engagement within the context of the University of Divinity. In 2016, members informally organised guest lectures from Sarah Coakley and Gene Robinson when they were visiting Melbourne. During this time there were regular meetings of interested parties.
The decision was made early on to call this group “Australian Collaborators in Feminist Theologies” to establish that there was a wide variety of disciplines, perspectives, denominations, and theological practices present. Collaboration has been a fundamental mode of operation that reflects feminist ideals.
We are an ecumenical, scholarly group that has formed partnerships across University of Divinity colleges and into other networks around Australia.
Meet the Convening Committee
Professor Katharine Massam
Convener of the Network and Convener for Working Group on Mentoring
Dr Cath McKinney
Convener Elect and Convener for working Group on Events
Rev Professor Stephen Burns
Convener for Working Group on Research and Partnerships
Ms Talitha Fraser
Dr Brian Macallan
Dr Claire Renkin
Rev Associate Professor Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon
Dr Janice McRandal
Prof Katharine Massam
University of Divinity
Dr Cath McKinney
School of Professional Practice
Rev Prof Stephen Burns
Pilgrim Theological College
Dr Claire Renkin
Yarra Theological Union
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