The Australian Religious Archive is designed to hold the story, history and legacy of religious congregations and other religious groups who have made significant contributions to both civic and church life in Australia and beyond.
The Archive will be operated and managed by the University of Divinity, with archival materials either gifted to the University, or deposited in the Archive, by participants.
A major facility will be established with a variety of rooms to store and protect archives, along with public spaces for display and research purposes in the future.
The value of archives is the capacity to transmit a religious, spiritual and cultural meaning that acknowledges their relationship with history, spirituality and traditions proper to the specific community, their ‘charism’ and fulfilment.
The need and at times, the burden of preservation, can become an opportunity to renew, to rethink one’s charism, to recompose it in the current socio-cultural context and to plan it for the future.
Pope Francis
Get Involved
You can get involved with the Australian Religious Archive by financially supporting the project’s development with a donation, or by becoming a participating member with archives stored in the new facility.
Become a participating member
Religious congregations and other religious groups who have made significant contributions to both civic and church life in Australia and beyond are invited to consider becoming a participating member and get in touch to discuss their archival needs.
The University on
Participating Groups
Brigidine Sisters
Faithful Companions of Jesus
Missionary Sisters of Service
Presentation Sisters Victoria
University of Divinity
The Australian Religious Archive holds and honours the story, vision and history of groups who have played a foundational role in the establishment and
Helen Carboon
development of health, education and welfare entities in Victoria and beyond. Being held under the administration of the
University of Divinity gives the collection status and permanent security.
Congregation Leader, Presentation Sisters Victoria
The Australian Religious Archive will be a research centre that preserves and
Emeritus Professor Peter Sherlock
hands on to future generations the many vibrant religious traditions which have
contributed to Australian society and culture, highlighting the ongoing need for spirituality and theology in this land.
Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Divinity