The Academic Board of the University of Divinity is constituted by Regulation 2 of the Council, as required by the University of Divinity Act 1910, and operates in accordance with the Academic Board Charter. The Academic Board is responsible for the quality and integrity of the University’s academic activities especially in teaching, learning and curriculum design.
Academic Board Charter
The Academic Board fulfils a wide range of responsibilties in higher education quality assurance, including ensuring compliance with external statutory and regulatory requirements such as:
- the Higher Education Standards Framework administered by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)
- the Australian Qualifications Framework
- the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS)
The Academic Board membership is appointed from each of the Colleges and Schools of the University, as well as two students, to ensure that all parts of the University are accountable for and have a voice in the University’s academic programs.
The membership of the Academic Board is:
- the Chair (also a member of the University Council)
- the Dean of Academic Programs
- the Deans of each of the University’s Colleges and Schools
- Chair of the Library Committee
- two students (one coursework, one research) elected by the student body.
Committees of Academic Board
Much of the work of Academic Board is conducted by its standing Committees. Terms of Reference for these Committees are found in Regulation 2:
- Academic Promotions Committee
- Learning Environments Committee
- Library Committee
- School of Graduate Research Committee
- Student Services Committee
Chair and Deputy Chairs of Examiners
Under Regulation 2 the Academic Board appoints a Chair of Examiners and one or more Deputy Chairs of Examiners. The responsibilities of the Chair and Deputy Chairs is set out in the Position Description approved by the Academic Board. Contact may be made with the Chair or Deputy Chairs through the University Secretary, Hannah Hornsby.