The University of Divinity, founded as the Melbourne College of Divinity in 1910, has graduated over ten thousand students since the very first graduation ceremony was held on 6 May 1913. Our alumni are found in every corner of the globe and every walk of life.
Alumni seeking further information about the University, or to make enquiries about getting involved in the organisation of the network, should contact Meg Nelson, the Operations Manager.
Featured Links
Join the Alumni Network
Your support is crucial to the University’s ability to provide high quality theological education and research to the churches and wider community. Together we can enable our graduates and partners to serve the common good and to be agents of transformation in the world.
Academic Records
On completion of a course, students receive three types of academic document: a testamur, an academic transcript and an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement.
Academic Dress
The forms of academic dress at the University enhance the reputation of its awards and honour the academic achievements of its members.
Stay connected
Vox (news and events) online
Stay in touch through our online community hub. With articles posted almost daily from and about the Colleges, academic staff, students and alumni, you can keep up to date with the recent news and hear about upcoming events, including a wide range of public lectures.
Social Networks
Connect with members of the Alumni Network on our Alumni Network Facebook Group. Please note this group is only open to alumni who have already joined the Alumni Network.
Library Guide for Alumni
Information about library services and resources available to Alumni of the University of Divinity.